PRank Algorithm

The PRank algorithm is a modification of the perceptron classifier. It aims to classify items into tiers, where the tiers are ordered.

def prank(stats, tiers, n_tiers, iters):
    Implementation of the PRank algorithm (
    stats: array of features, a column per feature
    tiers: array of rankings, one ranking per player
    n_tiers: number of tiers, tiers are numbered 0,1,2,...,n_tiers-1
    iters: number of iterations of loop
    n_players = len(stats)
    n_features = len(stats[0])
    w = np.zeros([n_features])   # weight of features
    b = np.zeros([n_tiers])      # cutoffs for rankings
    b[-1] = np.inf
    loss = 0    # total loss incurred by algorithm
    for i in range(iters):      # update w and b given training example x
        n = i%n_players
        x = stats[n].copy()
        y = np.argmax(b >,w))   # get rank of x as determined by current w and b
        y_act = tiers[n]
        loss += abs(y-y_act)
        if y != tiers[n]:      # if predicted rank is not actual rank, update w and b
            y_arr = np.repeat([1,-1],[y_act,n_tiers-1-y_act])   # create y array
            t_arr = np.zeros([n_tiers-1])
            y_n = np.argmax(b >=,w))
            if y_act > y_n:
                t_arr = np.repeat([0,1,0],[y_n,y_act-y_n,n_tiers-1-y_act])
                t_arr = np.repeat([0,-1,0],[y_act,y_n-y_act,n_tiers-1-y_n])
            w = w + np.sum(t_arr)*x
            b[:-1] = b[:-1] - t_arr
    return w, b, 1.0*loss/iters

def rank(x,w,b):
    Subroutine for use in PRank
    Calculates rank of example x given feature weights w and rank cutoffs b
    return np.argmax(b >,w))
PRank Algorithm

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